It comes in waves

From my journal back in May 2017, I wrote:

I miss the sounds of the waves crashing. I miss the sounds of our laughter, louder. Let’s choose to leave all loads against buoyancy on the shore. Today, we happily float.

Back in my last few years in college, I was choosing between Transportation Engineering and Water Resources & Coastal Engineering for my undergraduate research field. These two were the fields I enjoyed most. Sums up what I miss the most, too – driving far to the beach! In the end I chose Transpo, but a part of me always wondered what would have happened if I went for the other.

Bernoulli’s Principle problems aside, I love the water. I love the beach, the sea, the salty smell, and even the crusty hair I get. Is it because I’m a Pisces? Maybe. But what I love most about it is that it intrigues me.

I have seen the ocean calm – sparkling blue, so vast, and at peace. 

I have seen the ocean wild – waves roaring, powerful, majestic.

I may call a lot of things pretty and lovely, but the ocean, it’s just beautiful.

Growing up, I’ve learned that some things that excite me can also consume me. And even when this happens, I still hold on for the sake of that sparkle, that light. Beauty can be drowning. Learning to swim away is a skill I have yet to learn.

Pinks and blues and transient rays of gold fill the skies. My eyes sting but I could still tell that it’s a breathtaking view. I wish my eyes could screenshot this. I grab my phone and settle for a photo where the colors aren’t as vivid. No filter could compare.

We move away as the tides get bigger. It pushes us back. It pulls us closer.

I like to think happiness comes in waves. Creeping up in everyday moments – the smell of coffee brewing, a meme sent by a friend. Crashing as it gets bigger. Continuous laughter. Unexplainable silence.

I like to think happiness comes in waves. And so does sadness.

Tides shift, time passes. I want to remind myself to let it go as it comes. Whatever emotion it may be. Let it flow; and like waves, it’ll come again.

How strange and scary
The deep sea could be
But what else would you see
If you don’t set yourself free

This newsletter’s song and writing prompt, Waves, is brought to you by my artist obsession for the year: Fiji Blue.

It’s a new month tomorrow! I’m unsure if my exclamation point was for excitement, relief, or shock. A bit of all, maybe?

Ending with this ✨profound✨ quote by my favorite fish, Dory: “Just keep swimming.”

Keeping afloat,


On starting over


I wish you eternal sunshine